Keeping access to transplant services open

As COVID-19 places untold pressures on the NHS, we’re working hard to make sure lifesaving transplant services remain in place for the patients that need them.

Preventing postponements

Since Spring 2020, we have worked closely with clinicians to promote the urgent needs of patients awaiting a stem cell transplant among NHS leaders and Governments. This means that, where a matching stem cell donor has been found, a lifesaving transplant can go ahead without postponement.

Regular testing

It is vital that hospitals and transplant centres continue to be COVID-19-secure. For this reason, many NHS hospitals have established red areas for patients tested as COVID-19 positive or are displaying COVID-19 symptoms and blue areas for patients who test negative and are not experiencing symptoms. We have highlighted to Ministers the fundamental need of transplant clinical staff to be regularly tested.

Follow-up care

For patients requiring access to follow-up care and support, the increased use of online video and telephone consultations from home has been a new experience for many. Digital consultations can be very helpful for both patients and staff alike, although regular face-to-face appointments remain important. We will continue to listen to patients’ experiences and opinions, ensuring access to quality care is available to every patient.